Page Verification for Notion Databases
superSYSTM™ Details
Have the features of a Notion wiki in any database
within your workspace to verify pages and assign updates.
Installation Guide
Step 1 Create Database
Step 2 Add Properties
Aa Title: SOP
Team (select) — all departments
Verify (select) — For 30 Days, For 90 Days, Indefinitely, Out of Date
Updates (formula — see below)
Created Time
Page Owner (person)
Last Edited Time
Last Edited By
Verify Due (formula — see below)
Verify Days (number)
Verify Assignee (person)
optional - turn on sub-tasks for subdocs
optional - AI summary of page “SOP Overview”
Step 3 Add Formulas
if( prop("Verify") == "Out of Date", "‼️ Review & Update PRD", if( prop("Verify") == "For 90 Days", "verified until " + formatDate(dateAdd(prop("Last Edited”), 90, "days"), "MMMM DD, YYYY"), if( prop("Verify") == "For 30 Days", "verified until " + formatDate(dateAdd(prop("Last Edited”), 30, "days"), "MMMM DD, YYYY"), if( prop("Verify") == "Indefinitely", "on " + formatDate(prop("Last Edited”), "MMMM DD, YYYY"), "on " + formatDate(prop("Last Edited”), "MMMM DD, YYYY") ) ) ) )
dateAdd(prop(“Last Edited”), prop(“Verify Days”), "days")
Step 4 Customize Layout
Open any page in the database
Hover near the title/page icon, and select “Customize Layout”
In Panel;
(optional) Create a group for SOP Overview, then Move to Page
(optional) Create a group for Subdocs, then Move to Page
Click on the top of the page to add Pinned Properties:
Add all remaining properties to Property Group — leave in side panel:
Primary Doc (optional if using sub-tasks)
Created Time
Last Edited
Last Edited By
Verify Due
Verify Days
Verify Assignee
Click “Apply to All Pages”
If followed, your layout should look like this
Step 5 Add Database Automations
These automations will trigger actions for re-verifying and assigning the appropriate person to update the page. Note: only Workspace Owners or paid users with Full Access can build automations.
Verify Due Calculator
Trigger: Any property edited
Edit pages in [database name] matching Verify is 90 Days; Verify Days = 90
Edit pages in [database name] matching Verify is 30 Days; Verify Days = 30
Edit pages in [database name] matching Verify is Indefinitely; Verify Days = 0
Verify Notification
Trigger: Any property edited
Action: Edit pages in [database name] matching Verify Due Start Date is Today; add Variable (Page Owner); then update Verify Assignee with a custom formula - use the Variable
Verify Indefinitely
Trigger: Any property edited
Action: Edit pages in [database name] matching Verify is Empty; change Verify to Indefinitely
Step 6 Add Your Wiki Items!
Customizable Options
✓ Verification Options
✓ Department Categories
✓ Wiki Page Template
Need help with this superSYSTM™? Talk to us.