Recurring Notion Employee Birthday & Anniversary Calendar
superSYSTM™ Details
Create an Events Calendar for your team including employee anniversaries and birthdays (without sharing someone’s age) in Notion.
Step 1 - Setup
Create a new database, and add the following properties:
Name (title prop)
OG Year (date)
THIS Year (formula)
Type (select prop)
YR Anniversary (formula)
Hiding employee ages: when adding in birthday data for each employee for the first time, use the current year. This will maintain the month/date and not rely on hiding the year to show their age.
Step 2 - Add Formulas
dateAdd( dateSubtract ( OG Year, year (OG Year) - year(now()), "years" ), 0, "days" )
This formula will automatically calculate the original date, and add the current year’s year, while maintaining the original month and date.
YR Anniversary
if( Type == "Anniversary", if( dateBetween(now(), OG Year, "years") == 1, "🎉 1 year with team", "🎉 " + dateBetween(now(), OG Year, "years") + " years with team" ), "" )
This formula calculates how many years an employee has been on the team.
Step 3 - Create Calendar View
Once you’ve set all properties, create a Calendar View of the database and group by THIS Year. Then, every year you’ll be able to see upcoming celebrations without doing any additional work.
Customizable Options
✓ Anniversary formula output language
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